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Story about《Miracle Zoo 2008 / 奇迹动物园2008》
    2008 Year Story movie < Miracle Zoo 2008 / 奇迹动物园2008 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yamaguchi intellectual charge / the the Hirosue household / households Tian Hui Lei Hong / Koide Keisuke /
    Storyline:Zoo Story described a group of professional knowledge and passion of the breeder , the zoo will be located in Japan's northernmost Hokkaido to build their own ideal of The Zoo Story , and each can cause the drama of social issues and the strong reaction of the truth of human nature shells. The new problems faced by the actor to show animals in the wolf . Once in Hokkaido has been favored by the good natural conditions , the wolf has been at the vertex of the food chain . However, because human desires and interest Xunxin wolves face extinction. Initiation of a breeder who " want visitors once again be able to see the idea of wolves Grumbling , in addition to Yamaguchi intellectual charge , Toda Hong , Koide Keisuke Ito four Long , Tianjin Chuan Ya -yin and other original cast , as well as a veterinary students came to the zoo as an intern , he was full of enthusiasm for learning , professional knowledge , but still a small mistake at the zoo constantly . Go wobbly on the road of being a veterinarian intern by flat Gangyou too starred in , and this is a major part of the drama .
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