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Story about《The Return of the King of the deadly Fiends Bollywood / 夺命煞星宝莱坞之国王归来》
    2011 Year Action movie < The Return of the King of the deadly Fiends Bollywood / 夺命煞星宝莱坞之国王归来 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shahrukh Khan / ohm Puri / Elsa test Pekka / Portman · Yi Lani /
    Storyline:An international robbers , first the right time, and then a dramatic break free of the French - unexpectedly faced actually deception and betrayal . Already own eyes on the control of the triad of Europe to dominate the Asian underworld Don . He will then become a behind the scenes dominate the existing triad of Europe , and all law enforcement agencies . In order to achieve their goals , Don went to Europe to take action . The journey from Kuala Lumpur to Berlin , he must avoid all possible assassination and the arrest , after a series of fierce competition , Don eventually to dominate the entire European underworld ?
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