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Story about《洪湖赤卫队 / 洪湖赤卫队》
    2010 Year Chinese TV < 洪湖赤卫队 / 洪湖赤卫队 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wen Zhengrong / Rong / Du Xudong /
    Storyline:The drama "洪湖赤卫队" directed by famous director Shi Wei Wen Zhengrong, Chang Rong, Du Xudong starring in the faithful to the original on the basis of the second creation is an important red classic adaptation. Addition to the reservations Synopsis and theme music, the relationship between the characters more complex, richer story, such as an increase in the drama 13 Wu bandit Xie, character. Seen the play experts spoke highly of its characteristics, advantages, there is a difference, "In recent years, red classic adaptation of the most successful one." At the press conference scene, China and South Korea Britain, the film actor now 75-year-old Wang Yuzhen teacher and the second, third and fourth generation Korean, English actor, I wish China, Liu Danli, Maya Qin side by side on stage and ushered in a mystery guest, General He Long female He Liming, guests, creative and participants with singing "Honghu Waves" activities to a climax. The "洪湖赤卫队 the July 5 premiere Beijing, Ta Kung Pao (reporter Liu Chang) Reporter yesterday learned in Beijing, July 5 CCTV night 20:00 Gold Theatre will launch the 28 sets of red classic TV series" 洪湖赤卫队. " Drama "洪湖赤卫队" born out of a 1959 opera, popular in the country's movie in 1961, produced jointly by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Hubei Radio and TV units, Hubei Economic TV, Hubei Film Studio and other units. This play is also following the "flagship" in that distant place, a board CCTV prime time "south south" in Hubei "manufacturing." The Central Propaganda Department, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, CCTV leadership and the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Minister Li Chunming and other leaders attended the news conference. Han Ying Wen Zhengrong: As the role of grown up together "speech Korean, English, and now I am very disturbed, because the classic is always hard to beat. Play" 洪湖赤卫队, "is an important life experience, I gradually became profoundly shaped not only the classic role with it growth is really the value of the conference, played by Han Ying's Wen Zhengrong heartfelt words to the scene all the guests are visibly moved. North Starring: the Hubei memorable in the summer talking about the filming process, and starring all express the profound impression of Hubei summer, "the day wore reed marshes almost 40-degree temperatures. Let us northerners can not stand there humid day, the filming must be dizzy to the evening is the swarms of mosquitoes, as long as it is the actor to shoot night scenes, basically everyone's legs are mosquito bite swollen mosquito group of more horrifying shooting this experience too memorable. "in the play as a traitor Wang Jinbiao Du Xudong said. Screenplay ZHOU Zhen: see the ribs lotus root soup cried screenwriter ZHOU Zhen said: "To a two-hour film, to expand into a 28-episode TV series, look for the story to life in the history of mentality when it comes to writing scripts , my spiritual life of each character and historical destiny greatly expanded at the same time in order to meet the aesthetic tastes of the younger audience, and strengthen the armed struggle of the story. "ZHOU Zhen-day Hubei, he said that the childhood favorite to eat Grandma simmer the ribs lotus root soup , but after my grandmother died made no drink, until last year, the Donghu again tasted the childhood memories, "soup one up I started to cry, so the show is not only a classic, but also carry the memories of a generation, while another way for me is 50 years of complex release on the screen out. "
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