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Story about《Guangdong and Hong Kong criminals Part / Province, Hong Kong criminals / 省港旗兵第三集/省港旗兵3》
    0 Year Action movie < Guangdong and Hong Kong criminals Part / Province, Hong Kong criminals / 省港旗兵第三集/省港旗兵3 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Andy / Elizabeth Lee / Max Mok /

    Li Changjiang honor soldiers involved in a criminal case , was sentenced to death after sneaking into Hong Kong on the way to understanding the often full and heart-shaped . China also sent agents Maoxiang Yang in Hong Kong to track down the river and brought to justice . River to Hong Kong , the law-abiding , but later to be charged the full of the fire pit , take refuge in how the boss of the gang , how to know Jiang feelings of vulnerability , and take advantage of . Shenyang to Hong Kong , the Chinese agents immediately launched search operation with the Hong Kong Police , a lot of friction . An operation , Jiang Yang uniforms , but could not bear to kill him , so how disgusted . Jiang know how to prepare to remove their own , so with the heart , full to discuss countermeasures , the robbery to a sum of money to kill Ho , rescued full , and then emigrated . The development of the matter is almost within the river plan , when they went straight to the pier to want to board the fishing boat to escape the high seas , was shot dead in the heart Unfortunately , full also subject to serious injury , and yang wait on the pier . See Yang Jiang does not want to house full- away , deeply moved , and then put the river on a horse , river , full re - start a new chapter in Panama .

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