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Story about《Insurance angle / 险角》
    0 Year Action movie < Insurance angle / 险角 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Alex Fong / Zhang Zhiyao / Anya / Wong Hei /
    Storyline:Since Macau became the world famous Las Vegas , where they became a troubled place , caused by turf battles between gangs battle continuous . Infighting between them not only makes the killer as a profession, and also makes another group of courageous and prudent people come into play . The kind of person in Macao , their wise and brave , extraordinary skill , their career is unwilling to do behind closed doors between for the gang to solve . Of course , all this story of a fictional background , do not think that this is the real Macau .
    Alex Fong played by Ean is such a person . Macao gang leading the daughter of Big Brother Ban Xi'er kidnapped by a mysterious person has been missing , but under the Taipan had invited Ean come to Macau to help find her daughter's whereabouts .
    The Ean knew no small matter , is not able to resolve on its own , and immediately began recruiting . First, he got the acting partner in Asia for many years , Zhang Zhiyao the sharpshooter wooden played and got A rain Anya played the ruthless killer to help him complete the task together . After a careful tracing , security finally find out the kidnapping Xi'er the mysterious person . The sergeant , played by Danny Summer the Taipan rival , his collusion Taipan confidant of the hands of the LEO , and collaborated with kidnapping the Xi'er of . More Aan headache is it even with the Macau Police . Macau Police Department 's top man A song in Macau notorious He was ruthless and having an affair with the underworld sergeant , but also his . The kidnapped Xi'er was imprisoned at the maximum security of the Macao Police Station , Ean a group of quite embarrassed .
    To complete the task, rescued Xi'er three only at risk of a stroke , surprise Macau Police Station is the only one to achieve the objective of road . A war can not be avoided , Leonard three of the Macao Police Station Nao Lege turned upside down , utter confusion , and ultimately complete the task rescued Xi'er .

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