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Story about《Crystal Hunt / 怒火威龙》
    0 Year Action movie < Crystal Hunt / 怒火威龙 >
    Director: /
    Stars:ZHU Tie and Donnie Yen / Ho Chia-chu / Hu Hui /

    story began a failed transaction, the bad guy, Michael Woods, one can attack remote control car to carry out his destruction, and a big bang will be all sent away to the west than to Michael Woods. Donnie Yen plays Zhiliang played fast and quite comic effect, he dressed like a circus as red and white striped suspenders, Zhiliang is a tour guide caught a small pickpockets to steal his members wallet but their wallets was stolen so Zhiliang catch the thief on a motorcycle riding bicycles and taught a good lesson for him, but in turn he was the thief's accomplice broke a bouncing car Regiment chasing him, this section may seem like a less clever burlesque, other scenes and relatively barbaric, such as Michael Woods pistol stuffed into the mouth of a guy and pull the trigger, the action scenes from start to finish in the swing between these two extremes. Salvitti of a mad dog role each before the war, always take off your coat, a Donnie Yen is a magical word sub-kick over the head leap from Salvitti to avoid his attacks.
    Followed by all members of the forest cave. The last 20 minutes of substantially all the action scenes is nothing taboo and without pause, because the smugglers tracking protagonists come here follow the map to find the gold crystal. Michael Woods new toy is loaded with the bomb's remote control aircraft, when he controlled the aircraft attacked the protagonists guy proud, a lot of automatic weapons fire, then the Chinese kung fu, Lisa's bodyguard Lu Huiguang suffered a N knife actually did not die , Lisa, in order to escape the flames of an explosion from the cliff fell down fall eating mud. Zhiliang, respectively, to deal with the assistance of Hu Hui and Joyce Michael Woods and Salvitti, at first, these foreign criminals seem to all die physically, to endure you heroes exhausted, but the final and maybe the bad guys of Sizhuang creepy enough at the very start, the Zhiliang Michael Woods's neck firmly with an iron chain to Le in a tree, Joyce, gave a fatal blow, Michael Woods, pubic region under head endure three stick plus Zhiliang huge log kill, Salvitti The also Wuguanmanying deserved to be sent away to the west.

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