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Action Daylight / 龙出生天 / 十万火急Video Download url:
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Story about《Daylight / 龙出生天 / 十万火急》
    1996 Year Action movie < Daylight / 龙出生天 / 十万火急 >
    Director:Rob Cohen /
    Stars:Sylvester Stallone / Amy Brenneman / Viggo Mortenen / Dan Hedaya / Jay O. Sander / Karen Young / Claire Bloom / Vanessa Bell Calloway / Renoly Santiago / Colin Fox / Danielle Harris / Trina McGee / Marcello Thedford / Sage Stallone / Jo Anderon /

    Disaster in a New York tunnel as explosion collapse both ends of it. One hero tries to help the people inide find their way to safety.
          Trouble strikes when runaway robber in a getaway car hit truck full of explosives in the tunnel connecting Manhatten and New Jerey. Survivor are left in a weakened tunnel blocked at both exits. As Kit Latura approaches the tunnel, he see the impact and knows he gotta take action. With time running out, he enter the tunnel through a system of maintenance walkways. Can he get the survivor out before the tunnel fills up?

    numerous days between the Cross Harbour Tunnel in Manhattan and New Jersey American people complain about traffic congestion in the tunnel , as usual , surprise, death is coming closer . Tunnel inside a truck accident filled with chemicals exploded a powerful impact the tunnel collapsed , the entrances and exits are blocked . At this point, a sea of ​​fire within the tunnel , filled with toxic fumes , the river is also the constant flood of countless innocent people , what seems to be the only waiting to die . Rescue teams early in fact , however, the tunnel was sealed and toxic smoke raging inside , rescuers has been reluctant to rush hands . Urgent on the occasion , the taxi driver, before the rescue team members Luo check ( • Sylvester Stallone Sylvester Stallone ornaments) to come forward . He climbed into the tunnel from the vents , he stabilized the mood of everyone in the tunnel , and lead us to start a life and death to flee .

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