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Story about《Thief swallows Lee three / 神偷燕子李三》
    0 Year Action movie < Thief swallows Lee three / 神偷燕子李三 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yuen Biao / Athena / Kaohsiung /

    movie The legend of Robin Lee , expressed afraid of powerful , awe-inspiring justice , whipping the bad acts of corruption in government bureaucracy . The story of Swallow frequented in the capital , specifically theft of heartless wealth of home and stolen property donated to poor people . Caused the panic of the bigwigs , the fate of investigative and enforcement teams four arrest , however, can only stand to see him come and composure . It turned out that five years ago , the Lie triple girlfriend sworn dignitaries rape sold to Capital brothels , beaten to the verge of death thrown into the wilderness . Now Lee , on the one hand, to attract the attention of Quinlan 's three Robin Hood . Qing Yi Shao Pu IV betrayed Lee in jail . His friend Tiger and confidante falling clouds finally know the capital the courtesan small phoenix is the original sworn , Lee three desperate escape to save sworn . In a dilapidated temple , Pu four stabbed Quinlan died in Li Sanhuai . Falling clouds and tiger four friends fled , Lee divert the officers and men , and eventually outnumbered heroic martyrdom .

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