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Story about《Crazy man Maid / 痴男怨女》
    0 Year Comedy movie < Crazy man Maid / 痴男怨女 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Helen Hunt / Scarlett Johansson Tom Wilkinson / /

    30 years of the United States, seems to have been completely immersed in the economic crisis brought about by the Great Depression. For the hero in this story, socialite Ailin Ni Lady has a more profound impact. Tends to turmoil in the society also makes like her that many women do not have to rely on social, rely on men to eat pleasure socialite lost useless. Therefore, he moved to Europe has become the first choice of the coquettish Ailin Ni. Then, Amalfi Beach small town ushered in the charming Manhattan woman. People here only see the Ailin Ni Mrs. beauty and charm, but no one knows this cunning nature of the New York woman was actually a full slut sounds a bit weird, her means of livelihood, that is dedicated to seduce someone else's husband. So, Ai Linni Mrs. go in Manhattan to be not only then vision to invest in Europe, she decided to find a new check book on the Riviera.
    Mrs. Ailin Ni's arrival, almost to attract the eyes of all men in the Riviera, especially Toby (Tom Wilkinson), a wealthy middle-aged businessman by Ai Linni Mrs. fascinated Unfortunately, Aye the Linney Lady does not seem to looked down on him. The plan went smoothly, the Ailin Ni Lady met a pair of newly married young couples, they are Robert Windermere (Mark E Bosi) and Meg Windermere (Si Jiali Johnson). The ambiguous relationship between Robert Lady with Ailin Ni quickly became the center of the rumors, bold at the same time, Robert's wife, Meg, was found out that she is to accept the Lord Darlington (Stephen Campbell Moore) pursuit of the latter was the infamous Playboy. The marriage of Robert and Meg's castle is crumbling in the turbulent rumors.
    All the contradictions and conflicts in the 21-year-old Meg birthday on this day reached a fever pitch. Plagued by rumors Meg believe that the ambiguous relationship between her husband and Ailin Ni Mrs. has been disgusting, angry Meg decided to rescue or escape the awful painful marriage with his own birthday party, she want to elope with Lord Darlington; jealous hearts and minds of Toby decided to use this opportunity to discuss an idea to Ailin Ni Mrs.; However, cunning and even full of dangerous the Ailin Ni Lady has long been ready for the world to expose a pile was carefully concealed family scandal ...

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