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Story about《Dukes of Hazzard / 正义前锋》
    0 Year Comedy movie < Dukes of Hazzard / 正义前锋 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Steve Remy / Jessica Simpson / Kevin He Funan / Johnny Knoxville / Sean William Scott /

    story takes place in a small town in Georgia called Abkhazia , decorated鲍杜克西恩William Scott and Luke Duke John Nena Nashville , decorated a pair of intimate cousin , them since childhood, his parents died , grew up in uncle Jesse Willie Nelson decorated farm , and took over the Duke family business for several years smuggling spirits . Uncle Jesse 's daughter戴茜杰西卡Simpson decorated with the Duke brothers from childhood play to the big favorite to wear hot shorts , is Georgia 's most beautiful farm girl , the Duke family, but also because with this cousin and become more lively .
    Daisy in a road tavern to work , busy day of farm work locals , not to sit down and drink a bottle of cold beer cozy pub than to Daisy work . There are many outside the town of tourists come here especially , wanted to see the most beautiful local waiter . However, as long as any hands and feet , you will find the appearance of a gentle and beautiful girl is not to be trifled with , fists do not lose the boys , coupled with the Duke brothers in the side to help out , familiar with the riffraff of all panic-stricken , more indescribably moving Wainian . Daisy also often use their beauty to cash in some intelligence to the deputy sheriff , a good help Martin and Luke to avoid the police anti-smuggling operations .
    So happy and carefree Duke a clouded Abkhazian town of greed and despicable speculator Hogg control , he bribed the sheriff Roscoe Cole Sprint and its evil deeds , high-handed in the town on domineering . The Hogg took a fancy to Uncle Jesse 's farm in an attempt to be for himself , was the strong resistance of Jesse . In order to help his uncle , Martin , Luke and Daisy decided to join forces to expose the crimes of Hogg and Sheriff and to defend the family has long been home to live ...

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