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Documentary Game Change / 规则改变 / 改变游戏 / 打破规则 / 变局Video Download url:
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Story about《Game Change / 规则改变 / 改变游戏 / 打破规则 / 变局》
    2012 Year Documentary movie < Game Change / 规则改变 / 改变游戏 / 打破规则 / 变局 >
    Director:Jay Roach /
    Stars:Julianne Moore / Woody Harrelson / Ed Harris / Peter MacNicol / Jamey Sheridan / Sarah Paulson / Ron Livingston / David Barry Gray / Larry Sullivan / Mikal Evan / Colby French / Bruce Altman / Spencer Garrett / Brian Howe / John Rothman /

    Follows John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign, from his selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate to their ultimate defeat in the general election.
    Summer, 2008: John McCain secures the nomination, but polls behind Barack Obama. Strategist Steve Schmidt suggests a game changer: picking a conervative female with media savvy, unknown Alaska governor Sarah Palin, as vice president. She's an immediate hit and a quick study - the gap closes. Then, Tina Fey's imperonation, a raft of criticism, and missing her family send Palin into a near-catatonic state: she doesn't prepare for her Katie Couric interview and bombs. Schmidt searches for an anwer: don't expect her to learn the issues, but give her a script. Palin does well in the debate with Biden; she finds her voice, goes off script, and goes rogue. A mistake?

    According to the documentary literature of the same name Mark Halperin, and John Hailemann , co- adaptation , the film will be Senator John McCain as the protagonist , tells the story of the cooperation he and running mate Sarah Palin campaign 2008 presidential and eventually they lost to the Democratic Party candidate , the incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama ( Barack Obama ) .

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