Index » cartoon movie » Now Playing cartoon movie Suite Precure♪ The Movie: Take it back! The Miraculous Melody that Connects Hearts / Suite光之美少女剧场版:夺回来!连结内心的奇迹之音 / 映画 スイートプリキュア♪ とりもどせ!心がつなぐ奇跡のメロディ♪
cartoon Suite Precure♪ The Movie: Take it back! The Miraculous Melody that Connects Hearts / Suite光之美少女剧场版:夺回来!连结内心的奇迹之音 / 映画 スイートプリキュア♪ とりもどせ!心がつなぐ奇跡のメロディ♪ Video Download url:
Suite光之美少女剧场版.Suite PreCure.BD$magnet:?xt=urn:btih:003D486D236896B05535AB755D2E47BBD075D468
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Story about《Suite Precure♪ The Movie: Take it back! The Miraculous Melody that Connects Hearts / Suite光之美少女剧场版:夺回来!连结内心的奇迹之音 / 映画 スイートプリキュア♪ とりもどせ!心がつなぐ奇跡のメロディ♪ 》
    2011 Year cartoon movie < Suite Precure♪ The Movie: Take it back! The Miraculous Melody that Connects Hearts / Suite光之美少女剧场版:夺回来!连结内心的奇迹之音 / 映画 スイートプリキュア♪ とりもどせ!心がつなぐ奇跡のメロディ♪ >
    Director:Yoko Ikeda /
    Stars:Ami Koshimizu / Fumiko Orikasa / Megumi Toyoguchi /

    One day, music disappears at Major Land. There's a rumor that Queen Aphrophite from Major Land is the one who got rid of music and that rumor spreads. If this continues, melodies, rhythm and beats will go away. To get the music back middle schol students Hibiki Hojo and Kanade Minamino attempt to cure melody and rhythm. In the process, they must confront a strong evil presence.

    After Cure Muse's mission of restoring her father's kind heart was accomplished, Ako and Mephisto decided to return to Major Land together. Suddenly, a howling noise rang through the city, and when it died down, all music was gone. Ako and Mephisto tried to establish contact with Major Land, but could not get a response.

    Full of worry, Hibiki and the others headed to Major Land, where there was no sign of the former land of overflowing music. The world was desolate without sound, its people devoid of emotion like stone, continuing to play their soundless instruments. The only one left was Ako's friend Suzu, who explained how Aphrodite suddenly changed and took away all music from the land. Ako and Mephisto, unbelieving and determined to find out the truth, headed to the palace where Aphrodite was. Hibiki, Kanade and Ellen decided to chase after Suzu, who had run away after Ako refused to believe her story.

    While chasing after Suzu, the girls met with 3 men eager to steal the Healing Chest. And as the truth slowly came to light, the Pretty Cure had to face up to the real enemy.

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