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Story about《Chase chase chase / 追追追》
    2012 Year Chinese TV < Chase chase chase / 追追追 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhao Yan Guozhang / Du Zhiguo the / Cao Shan Shan / another Sichuan the / Juan child / Qiang /
    Storyline:The story recounts the killing of police undercover detectives He Li, brutally violent drug trafficking syndicates . Her husband of Criminal Investigation Captain Tong sail angry harder and harder to defeat a drug trafficking syndicate in one fell swoop , with the exception of killing He Li, the murderer hungry pigeons fled and disappeared . Tong sail to the United States studies abroad , set up a high-tech criminal investigation team led by Kang Ping , Wang Yanming , Zhuang Kai , Hongsheng crack . Although the criminal means of modern society constantly guise , but the magic goes , the Road ridge . Jizhen group elite to take the high-tech investigative techniques, forensic and careful reasoning , the combination of excellent continuous cracked a complex re the size of many genuine case of a car accident , radioactive substances homicide , the twin murder of hip-hop master was killed and the case major cases . And in justice and evil , action packed battle finally hunt down a hungry pigeon . "
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