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Story about《Lily / 百合》
    2011 Year Story movie < Lily / 百合 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wang Zi Tong / the Liping / Zhao Yaqi / Wong Chi Heng / Ye Ye /
    Storyline:The young lily with a Hong Kong container truck drivers have a baby , when her stomach , the man disappeared . Lily Huanggang container car port traffic every day trying to find the man . The roar of the container trucks are possible at any time this pregnant girl rolled into crushed to ... Lily has learned to practice style cake Coincidentally , her hand , squeezed into the butter is pretty much more than the bare rough . But managers fear that her child was born in his bakery , lily thus lost his job . Lily giving birth to the baby down, bleeding and almost led to her life . The child is a boy . Because of dystocia , she owes a lot of money of the other Little Sisters , the most money owed ​​to her fellow THE LIBRARY .
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