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Story about《San Mao, save a solitary remember / 三毛救孤记》
    2003 Year Story movie < San Mao, save a solitary remember / 三毛救孤记 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Quarter of talent / Chen Lu / Business the Yapeng / Cui Jie / I Asian / Daizhao An /
    Storyline:Blind Liu Lingyu fisheries Pa gold boss's son , Campbell , tease , San Mao courageous rescue Liu Lingyu , so angered the little fat man Campbell Before leaving , Campbell vowed to go home to be the father of San Mao " cramps peeling thrown into the Huangpu River ," Liu Lingyu thank the San Mao, brought him home . Liu Lingyu have a beak , a senior Zhang Zhang beak , fortune tellers Museum opened in the Temple . Zhang beak people smart, vibrant, and often in their daily lives to take care of Liu Lingyu , very deep feelings for each other , has been met Liu Mu opposition . Falling month tired , San Mao Liu have deep feelings became Liu Lingyu indispensable " eyes" , Liu Lingyu Sanmao When confidant , San Mao also willing to secretly run errands for Liu Lingyu Zhang beak lifetime event , and To this end often blame by Liu Mu . Understanding of the San Mao in the process of coming and going gold boss the home criaditos Hasty . Hasty home the gold boss suffering from abuse, so that San Mao " same boat " In order to save Hasty , Liu Lingyu Zhang beak end of the harmonious union , San Mao worship Zhang beak as a teacher , while recognizing that the person of Zhuge fairy " " Master, Lord Tie Ling . San Mao Sui learn to master a man , not only to know that the " fortune-telling is a superstition , and deceptive , but also poor people blind in order to survive one way out" , but also know that " the use of blind fortune-telling to help the poor and punish the bad guys is a way of life of blind justice . " San Mao gold boss house maid A four messages , and Master of beak use conflicts separately , to punish a gold boss , education gold Granny , Mrs. King , but also to help the Campbell . Hasty rescued , Liu Mu also finally accepted the sheets beak , the two lovers come together . Of the moment of the family was reunited , San Mao was going away , he told everyone " I have my mommy back, and you live with ," ...
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