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Comedy L'incontrolable / Incontrôlable / 身不由己 / 难以控制Video Download url:
身不由己.HD1024高清国语配音$ftp://dy:[email protected]:10599/[迅雷下载]身不由己.HD1024高清国语配音.rmvb
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Story about《L'incontrolable / Incontrôlable / 身不由己 / 难以控制》
    2006 Year Comedy movie < L'incontrolable / Incontrôlable / 身不由己 / 难以控制 >
    Director:Raffy Shart /
    Stars:Michaël Youn / Hélène de Fougerolles / Hippolyte Girardot / Thierry Lhermitte / Patrick Timsit / Cyrielle Clair / Shirley Bousquet / Françoise Bertin / Julia Faure / Rebecca Hampton / Jacky Nercessian / Gilles Gaston-Dreyfus / Christophe Fluder / Régis La /
    Storyline:French style of the film is always abstract fantasy strong realistic satire . The film is no exception. George is a failed playwright , wrote the script not only failed to get the producer of the pro- gaze , but was considered to be spam . Gradually lost confidence in him , not only friends are ignored, but also lost the talent of the college . Then experienced the shock of rain after another to dominate the body . The Rex not only play with the big hair fool the police , his friend sent to a mental hospital , a row the home of the first girlfriend , Marian , and also their hard to write the script in order to sell a million euros the movie mogul , but the Department on the other person's name . Last Rex and Qiaozhi Da became consistent with a film company boss's birthday party row , Marian's father , not only play , but also the boss of film companies say the truth ~ ~ Rex and George work together created a script that describes events from her life , and once again captured the hearts and minds of Marian .
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