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Story about《Scandal Season 1 / 丑闻 第一季/不可妥协第一季》
    2012 Year European American TV < Scandal Season 1 / 丑闻 第一季/不可妥协第一季 >
    Director:Paul McGuigan /
    Stars:Kerry Washington / Henry Ian Cusick / Columbus Short /
    Storyline:The drama "Grey's Anatomy ," " private clinics " and " people in a foreign land for many years to build by Shonda Rhimes , creator of the first non-medical drama, adapted by Judy Smith's true story . The story describes a crisis management expert and his team led the work and life . Media relations consultant to the presidential press adviser , Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington, play ) life in secret to protect the United States - for her, to maintain the image of the elite in the United States , prevent all kinds of scandal in this country is extremely important thing. After the end of the Bush presidency , and Bush close to Olivia left the White House and started his own public relations firm , I hope this opened a new chapter in life - whether work or life . But she can not seem to completely get rid of the past - either she or her elite team , they can " fix" any person of life , but could do nothing on the problems in their own lives .
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