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Story about《No love war / 无爱之战》
    2005 Year cartoon movie < No love war / 无爱之战 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Junko Minagawa / small Sigg Fortunately / Narita Sword /
    Storyline:Approximate Japanese society in the future , the human survival in a special way : the cute cat ears and tail at a young age , long , and once the adult cat ears and tail will disappear . Chunliu beginning of summer is a sixth grade boy, two years ago, Qing Liu Qingming , the only way to understand his brother was murdered . Today, a name of my wife grass lamp known as a "fighter" man in front of him . It turned out that the fighter is the existence of master oral fighting guard known as " victims" of the master side , due to the Qingming was dead grass lamp will be the beginning of summer as the new owner . The help of grass lamp , the beginning of summer was informed that his brother was killed by a mysterious organization called the "seven months " . To find out the truth , the beginning of summer grass lamp "sacrifice " - " LOVELESS " , the two together launched a battle ......
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