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Story about《Seven Hong Hong electric shock combat / 七虹香电击作战》
    2001 Year cartoon movie < Seven Hong Hong electric shock combat / 七虹香电击作战 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yamauchi Kang /
    Storyline:The Hiiragi Colorful flavor ( the spinosa Osmanthus na directly ) from the largest pharmaceutical company, in part, to the development of independent organizations CRI doing tune perfumers ( perfumer ) . She transfers the perfume inside, a few have been as safety works in the world sent . For that reason , the company has given a dedicated Research , enjoys the people's lives in a beautiful dress 4LDK condo . However, as she has a face . That face is the first agent of a secret investigation organizations . She often acted alone to deal with the envoys , with the perfect style of action which enjoy a danger to emerge . Like her, one day , suddenly sent hyumaritto " clove " . Colorful flavor like cloves forced combination partner of the organization's command was ordered to . Side silent silent more than clove surprise , that the opposite can not understand the operations side to stir up the side of the handle envoys .
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