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Story about《Dear owners / DearS / 亲爱一族 / DearS》
    2004 Year cartoon movie < Dear owners / DearS / 亲爱一族 / DearS >
    Director:Iku Suzuki /
    Stars:Wendee Lee / Michelle Ruff / Stephanie Sheh / Karen Strassman /
    Storyline:That the near future , Tokyo Bay , a sudden fall of a spaceship and found 150 alien spaceship ride . ..... 1 year later , the Japanese government for people who can not return to the home planet of the universe presented the public the right . And the name of " dear friends " , they call for the " DearS " . DearS have to learn the Japanese language and customs of Japan , has taken to spend the night " ( live in the home of others ) . So DearS along with their beauty to the world with gradually .... at this time , because the relationship of the accident , a young girl of the DearS headquarters operations from cargo trucks fell out , followed by an ordinary high school students a few of the original Wu zai to find ... after being brought back to Wu zai home , Wu zai Kai called " lotus" amazing for the girls to learn Japanese lotus 1 night , the most unexpected she met Wu zai called him " master " ..... so the two began a communication between the different star , and the lotus are usually simple-minded relationship , as more and more people around , always cause another riot , and to Wu zai trouble ........
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