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Story about《Crayon Dark beads big chase / 蜡笔小新之黑暗珠珠大追击》
    1997 Year cartoon movie < Crayon Dark beads big chase / 蜡笔小新之黑暗珠珠大追击 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yajima Akiko / three stone piano is / Xuan Tian Zhe Zhang /
    Storyline:Continuation of consistently humorous style , the the Crayon film version will continue to bring the audience laughter . The big chase this dark beads concentrated little new in the river inadvertently picked up a marble , it is shiny , so they retrieve at home ; did not think the marbles to be Xiaokui up inside . This is bad , the original Fengyun marbles , beads from a good family with beads lives family Yu Wang , the leader in contention magic Jacques beads , beads lives family want to take advantage of the magic of Jacques conquer the world . In this way, the new one people were involved in the battle between the two ethnic Xiaokui Yu Wang kidnapped in order to protect Xiaokui , devoting himself to ... the final peace rescued Xiaokui , but inadvertently two beads into the human figurines seal Jacques , the Majin Jacques was released , but did not think he has turned into a Half ......
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