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Story about《Crayon : kids large operations / Kureyon Shin-chan / 蜡笔小新:带孩子大作战》
    2012 Year cartoon movie < Crayon : kids large operations / Kureyon Shin-chan / 蜡笔小新:带孩子大作战 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline:When the small group of people in the play ghosts game , accidentally ran into a disused cinema . Empty cinema even play movies, spring , Guard members then left to see a free movie , but on the toilet back on a small new halfway between the wind they were all gone . Little new was angry they ranged themselves , just go back and learned that they did not also home . The Uenohara a worry decided to go to the cinema to see to see the whole family to be the "movie" sucked in , and came to a town like the Wild West era . Nohara an initial encounter between the wind , but the wind memory total loss , but fortunately the help of the girls live in cities and towns Chun , the Nohara one to settle down . Guangzhi do carpentry , America ya going to the pub musicians , small new live to see Masao Nini , Dumb , but being male and Nini had become a couple , and they do not want to go back to the spring department, new and Dumb every the days of thinking the way back and recall past events ......
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