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Story about《Puzzle detective Sung-wook, 2000 / 侦探成旭2千年迷局》
    2008 Year Chinese TV < Puzzle detective Sung-wook, 2000 / 侦探成旭2千年迷局 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Wang can glory / Tang Xu Ning David / Zhang Mo / Feng gravel / Tang Guoqiang / /
    Storyline:The ancient city of Kowloon City , changing overnight , the mystery after another . Feiyanzoubi a dark killer , Japan celebrated family Ninja in the Dragon City . Come with him , a bizarre murder case . And mysterious ninja , just chaotic prelude to the real terrorist , is being slowly opened , Kowloon City , will become working with evil , good and evil battle arena ... dark shadow , the Japanese ninja celebrated letter , Kowloon City Detective , impotent Xu Shan, Shuo Lin Shi , General female Detective white magician , weak and coughing up blood serious military was able to grasp the heart of Los red city of the thousand faces of women Los red infant , gentle puppet prince Xue dye, heroes , phone-in and play , the real purpose of all of them , is a witness to the mysterious treasure of the Chinese nation for thousands of years change , this national treasure has been missing for thousands of years , said that this truly mysterious national treasure hiding place in Dragon City . Dragon City Dance Macabre , was awakened one has been quiet for a long time the Detective , was the first Dragon City Detective Sung-wook . The chaos of Kowloon City , and finally let Sung-wook, to break the oath that he was no longer shot back at . Gradually, all the mighty people , are gathered around the side of the Sung-wook, Puppet of Wang Xue , dyed , and to the Asahi die endlessly rival . Thousand Faces Los red infant and think - tanks Luo red city , like being like evil , free Sung-wook, around two purposes no one can see , the mystery of the Seven Stars organization has even Sung-wook, as the only thorn in the side . Ultimately, Sung-wook, into the center of the storm Longcheng just one reason , the ability to break open the fog , to unlock the Millennium puzzle , find the entire national treasures whereabouts Longcheng Only Sung-wook, one ! Is alive or dead , is a win is negative , all the secrets about to be answered, all grievances should be settled , the Millennium puzzle , has come to breaking when .
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