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Story about《Singular search Chronicles / 奇异搜查事件簿》
    2009 Year Story movie < Singular search Chronicles / 奇异搜查事件簿 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Kanno Miho / mound to Wu Ya / the Koike 栄 child / Dong Geun as Shou-ying /
    Storyline:Was informed that on the 30th actress coffin wild Miho () day of next year will be the STAR Japanese television singular search of continuous renewal drama starring Chronicles Wednesday Dinner. Played by the Metropolitan Police Department search team inspections of the Ministry of Changchun Seto strange that, a good at cracking the multiple mystery cases capable of Interpol. Drama based on the real list of these incredible cases, first played by Interpol coffin wild this is an unprecedented series. Interpretations would like to go with the new mood. The challenge of playing the talented female Interpol coffin wild Miho Pro a variety of problems. In the continuous renewal of exotic drama search Chronicles will STAR Japanese television next year, the first challenge Interpol corner. Series based on the Extraordinary investigation wow! World is amazing Highlights of the actual events. Based on the real strange strange phenomenon in the world and the novelty events, played by the coffin of wild spring Seto singularity which one cracked. The protagonist of a looked-year-old woman, once to enter and search events, she will be a strong memory, observation, challenge mystery. Coffin wild on the role of analysis KIINA not only the role of Interpol, a career is a way of life. The hero did not intend to do this trip, but went to a crime scene can not help but want to unraveling. Ji Songs of Love workaholic after the coffin wild once again producer Kato Masatoshi ups, he said simply, Department want to make the form the police film. Miss coffin wild plays Interpol must also play the same-year-old female, with the broad acting, but the best. Although because it is original, for the coffin wild Miss tailor, but the coffin wild also accept delivery to the original task, trust each other very energetic. I did not Artworks by supernatural events do not believe in fortune telling and his ilk. Played by a female Interpol KIINA coffin wild enhanced by doing fitness physique. The outcome of the abdominal muscles. Wear white coats in the abdominal muscles of the body, Interpol corner of the natural physical challenges. The Hiraoka right too decorated men ... the coffin wild plays KIINA men, new Interpol Yamazaki respect Hiraoka right too () played. The coffin wild peace Gang TWINS much attention. KIINA the same period Interpol Koike Sakae child (). The police, as the guardian of KIINA by Kusakari Masao () decorated with a yellow card the police department by the rich personality Kanazawa village a tree () to complete.
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