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Story about《Fog Phantom / 雾都魅影》
    2009 Year Chinese TV < Fog Phantom / 雾都魅影 >
    Director: /
    Stars:blue Yan / Haydn /

    the beginning of the year 1950 , Chiang Kai-shek because of complete failure can not be reconciled in the military , but also to subvert my newborn red political power to obstruct the international community in recognition of our Republic , he ordered that lurking in the southwest city of mountain city code-named " kamikaze " spy organization leader "Notre Dame" , the use of approximately 50 days from March to May , with major military crackdown , name Thunder plan . The program aims to the dawn of the mountain city of May Day processions and meetings , create a series of white terror , to blow up the mountain city , in order to undermine the consolidation of our nascent republic , and a bad influence in the international arena .
    Lurking in the internal enemy "wild goose" the first time this message to inform the Ministry of Public Security of the Southwest Military Region , but he exposed the identity of heroic sacrifice . Reconnaissance section chief of the call command of the Southwest Military Region, Minister of Public Security Liu An Huali engraved led reconnaissance team and vice captain Young , handsome and Zhou Jihong , fully cooperate with our army of another undercover "Lance " ferret out "Notre Dame" , follow it to the enemy a series of machinations thoroughly crushed.


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