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Story about《Love me deep / 爱我多深》
    0 Year Comedy movie < Love me deep / 爱我多深 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Monica Bellucci / Bernard Kangpan / Gerald · De Padi about / Edvard Beye / Sarah Freeh Christi /

    a simple honest men behave all day, suddenly one day, amazing amount of Lottery unexpected to, how he would dispose of? Maserati to buy a pull-style, purchase buildings magnificent villas, they opened their own company, or address psychological loneliness and the desire of lower body?
    Sometimes people are unreasonable animals, even in the shy and stiff Francois body will still catch a glimpse of the deviant impulses. Middle-aged 弗朗索瓦贝 Ernakangpang decorated with a staff, leisure is often named Bi Gal bar here is not only rich in nectar, overlooking the sultry spring. Daniela Monica Bellucci pendants, Live Flesh enchanting gourmet Italian descent, her bones kind of uninhibited trapped inside, called the superior beauty of impeccable, the price of 150 euros really a lot of money. Each Francois saw Daniela, inevitably dizziness suffocation.
    Francois in a lottery prize, bonus up to € 4.5 million, he can finally close to their hearts goddess Daniela. He was shy to ask her about the fee, because the deal is very special, he wants her to be his woman, not just overnight, once the joy. Beauty intoxicating Daniela agreed to the transaction, the price is EUR 100,000 per month until Francois penny, not name. Get an upfront payment, Daniela moved into the residence of Francois. However, poor Francois has a fragile heart, before the carcass of the creature Daniela appears more frail, bed Huan Francois caught in the dilemma of distress among.
    Daniela has also attracted Francois friends covet spy, Daniella began mixing in the doctor Andre the Pierre Erdu households Sang decorated Salle Gérard Depardieu jewelry people between Francois also would like to doctor's advice, can not be over-excited, give vent to grasp the sense of proportion. So in the long night, the scenes of Eros disputes successive staged ...

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