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Story about《Contraband / 禁运品》
    2012 Year Action movie < Contraband / 禁运品 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Mark Wahlberg the / Kate Beckinsale / Ben Foster /
    Storyline:Smuggling master克里斯法拉德( decorated) Mark Wahlberg has quit , and now with the beautiful and virtuous wife, Kate ( Kate Beckinsale ornaments ) and two sons , lived a plain home life , but days not one is willing to screw up a vote of the drug trade due to his brother - in - law Andy ( Kalai Bo · Landry Jones decoration) , offend his boss Tim Brig ( Giovanni Ruibi Xi ornaments ) forced by circumstance had to regain his smuggling line of work to pay off the debt Andy owed ​​. Buddies赛巴斯汀艾比尼( decoration) , Ben Foster , with the help , Chris was soon summoned to childhood with Danny Raymer ( Lukas Haas ornaments ), a group of smuggling partner , they with the board to Panama , planning shipped back several million class A counterfeit , unfortunately they have met suspicious captain ( J. K Simmons decoration) , with Chris 's father is a worsening of relations between old acquaintances , making the he also suspected that Chris secretly engaging in illegal acts . Plan out the flaws , only a few hours to get the cash , the situation is urgent , so Chris had no choice but to have to spend the past rivers and lakes network of people to resort to oppressive Panama traffickers consolidate Zhaluo , ( Diego Luna decoration) people, yet at the same time police have been initiating an investigation , while his wife and children become killers targeted ...
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