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Story about《Unfaithfully Yours / 花心三剑侠》
    1989 Year Comedy movie < Unfaithfully Yours / 花心三剑侠 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Floor South light / Richard Ng / Tien Niu /
    Storyline:Dai Wenhao is the owner of a leather company every year, an excuse to Hokkaido, Japan , visited the branch of the business is actually to play a woman . This time he brought a company of a beautiful female accounting Maggie counterparts , in the name by audit , the intention of waiting for an opportunity to possess her . Under the aegis of his cousin fertilizer Q , together with his wife suddenly to Hokkaido , he made several violations of Maggie 's plot does not succeed , but also suffered a lot . Three-inch nail is an old virgin . They feared that the woman they want this decision to Hokkaido broken body , when they meet the middle-aged woman 's husband starts a young and beautiful girls ear , that he also suffered a lot . Yellow columnist Paul KC Chung this to Hokkaido to prepare written Confidential Dai Wenhao betrayal thing , surprise, is issued to write is not , Lieyan is not also use the beauty for the ear shot of his nude , and four distribution .
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