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Story about《How to lose their virginity / 怎样失去童贞》
    2010 Year Comedy movie < How to lose their virginity / 怎样失去童贞 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Matt Bennett / Jacob Davidge / Zach Perlman /

    camera is a great invention of the human society . it unavoidably biased to record before it . This original and realistic image is called the " documentary" . Now the Internet 's most popular , the highest click rate " documentary" movie downloads " . Movie downloads are often related to pornography and desire . Four Sentimental juvenile , old but still functioning camera. Through his personal experience and some jaw-dropping experience , complete , original , and even somewhat incredible record of how the experience of the lower body . But one of the four good friends , but still a virgin , because of this "failed " status , he is often the other three companions laughed at . But ridicule owned by ridicule, they are still together , virgin career to the end of this at her boyfriend - at the same time , they use the camera it all "movie download" down . However , to have sent the first time , is not an easy thing , especially that they suffered such damage to their own interests , the network error and a porn star suddenly appeared . Their practice , nothing more than discussing the "first" in the end what it feels like the first time why so important - whether man or woman .

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