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Story about《Monitor - Metropolitan Police Asaka Class 5 / God South is a security product class 5 / 班长~警视厅安积班5/神南属安积班5》
    2012 Year Japan and Korean TV < Monitor - Metropolitan Police Asaka Class 5 / God South is a security product class 5 / 班长~警视厅安积班5/神南属安积班5 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Sasaki Tibet mediated / Kerry love is not / Ozawa Yue / Raffles Seiji /
    Storyline:Look forward to the long- Series Season Asaka Ban members of the brand new Hyatt Raffles Seiji Ozawa Higa love is not some fresh faces squad continue to struggle to move completely away Metropolitan Police ! , Has been received since the beginning of April 2009 to monitor ~ God Department of South Asaka Class . April of this year will usher in the fifth season of " monitor " series . For the signs has been teamwork to solve difficult cases the Asaka Tsuyoshi Police Ministry of complement (Sasaki Kuranosuke decorated ) this will be mobilized to the investigation of the case to the National Police Agency , to resolve the case , sneaked into the investigation, missing cases such as a variety of cases challenge . The Asaka Although famous in the area , but gathered the elite of the Metropolitan Police , it is completely "away " . How will he overcome this difficult to resolve the case . The composition of the product class members gathered in a very powerful actor . Asaka Ban No2 , the Ozaki Cheng Police Department fill the actor is the The Ozawa Wyatt , young action to send Interpol Koike Tatsuya actor Raffles Seiji Koike feel the competitive pressure of the female Interpol Yuki Saori played by the initial challenge Interpol role Higa love not . Identification of class members by six straight governance Kato Shahi star in search of a class management officer starred in by the co- Tian Yali . In addition, Asaka competitors Metropolitan Police Department raided a Division Mayama Tazi police as being played by Takashima Reiko , played by Asaka Kawaguchi Interpol transferred to the Metropolitan Police Minister see ho too long . In addition, the guest cast in line with the opening of the new series is a weekly spectacle . The opponent was before ! Asaka completely away state activities, relations with the new members , and will clear grasp of this series of key figures . Asaka Why mobilize ? Tracking the secrets of the Metropolitan Police Department within reason, and solve the first case and the simple fact that truth , which is also a big attraction . Metropolitan Police " monitor ~ Asaka class" , with its inherent charm , toward a new world . So stay tuned!
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