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Story about《G file / G档案》
    2000 Year Love movie < G file / G档案 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Mary Matt Long / Steffen more /
    Storyline:Perhaps it is the prodigal son Sid ( Stéphane Rideau, ornaments ) Matthew ( Jérémie the Elka ï m, decoration) in the youth crazy love-hate love End hate finished but a dream, like the yellow beam . Matthew on the beach met Sid , he distributed the vitality , he commenced the pursuit of Mathew gloomy youth have a bright sun . They fell in love on the beach hot . Matthew even willing to leave family, dropped out of school , totally strange life began with Sid . After the wake , Matthew fell into the melancholy disease which , Sid left , the pillar of his life completely collapsed . With a sad mood , his back to the original encounter , stroking the cat abandoned , like touching the pain inside . Matthew met Sid 's former boyfriend Pierre (Nils Ohlund ornaments ) , two in the desolate beach slowly walking, talking past dream , feeling as if secretly grow , it would seem that nothing has happened ...
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