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Story about《Together moment 2 / 相聚一刻2》
    2008 Year Love movie < Together moment 2 / 相聚一刻2 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ito Misaki / in forest trees / Takahashi Yumiko / Nan Mingnai /
    Storyline:Together the moment " also translated" moment Apartment " , author Takahashi Rumiko . The make in 1980 on the inaugural issue of the young comic magazine " BIG COMIC of SPIRITS " serials, and its realistic emotional draw to become the classic young comics in the 1980s . Of very detailed grasp of the psychological hero in place, especially good at promoting the relationship between plot and character imperceptibly small events . Five Dynasties and the role of cause resonance in the many young people , and finally he and Kyoko , a happy combination of animation in the history of the classic love scene . Synopsis : the poor get the job of Health Five Dynasties margin for reviewing and preparing to live in a dilapidated apartment in a named moment Pavilion . The apartment is also home to long-tongued housewife 's family Ichinose Mrs. , Miss Zhu Mei , cunning mean mysterious figure Yotsuya and pungent open lounge , day and night prank , so that the Five Dynasties and complain incessantly . The new beautiful young administrator tone Kyoko brought out the sun for the Five Dynasties . However, the Five Dynasties and indecision , Kyoko miss coupled with her ​​husband's rival and the tenant who intentionally or unintentionally, the destruction of the twists and turns of their love . Experienced countless misunderstandings and setbacks , the two finally come together. The marriage of the Five Dynasties and Kyoko hand in hand back to their first encounter and has been a place to live - a moment Museum .
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