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Story about《Qingmang / 青盲》
    2011 Year Chinese TV < Qingmang / 青盲 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Shiwen / the Jiao Junxiang / Lu Ding /

    1947 In the spring, the most intense moment in the war before the KMT and the CPC Chongqing Municipal Communist Party within the intelligence line by a mysterious enemy organization "Huiyi Society a lot of penetration, and brought great losses to the Chongqing underground.

    At this time, our party found the mountains in the outskirts of Chongqing, one called "a million holes.", the organization of "Huiyi community" is secretly trying to develop and produce a gas of mass destruction weapons will be used for the upcoming KMT-CPC war.

    intelligence reporting to headquarters, advanced training by the Soviet secret anti-gas experts "kitten" emergency requisition home, go to Chongqing. His task is to assist the Chongqing underground to find and destroy the enemy's secret chemical and biological weapons factories.

    however, did not think that "cat" has just arrived in Chongqing, they encounter the the Huiyi community organizations Chongqing underground cleaning "cat" was arrested and put into the KMT's newest Senior Prison - the Hakusan Museum, than "Zhazi Dong" and "Baigongguan more secret detention of senior Communist Party of informants against the KMT bandits, robbers, gang, secret prisons of the molecule.

    Hakusan Museum is located at a steep peak on the outskirts of Chongqing, the three sides of the cliff, side of the gentle slope, only the one road can be reached. Along the way, heavily guarded, the guards are very strict. This mysterious White Mountains Museum, by the KMT described as impassable, living only into the ashes to be able to leave. The the Hakusan Museum, we more ignorant.

    dispatch a gas experts have been impossible, the situation of the war imminent, the enemy once the newly developed chemical and biological weapons on the battlefield, history will be rewritten. The only way is to try to rescue "kitten" from the Hakusan Museum!

    time is clearly running out, because of the importance of "cat", when he left the Yan'an had to the organization solemn promise: "if he were arrested, I can only give you ten days to rescue me, the period of one, regardless of I have no exposure, I will commit suicide, the secret organization to protect! "

    After careful arrangement and layout, Chongqing underground mobilization of the periphery of all armed forces, decided to armed rescue. Did not think that this action cut to fall into a mysterious "Huiyi community," carefully designed into the trap, armed rescue annihilated, actually do not have a life!

    ace agents of the Communist Party -

    the most critical juncture, codenamed "Qingmang" Zhang Haifeng stepped in!

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