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Story about《Guanyin Mandarin / 玉观音国语》
    2003 Year Story movie < Guanyin Mandarin / 玉观音国语 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Zhao Wei / Yunlong / Nicholas Tse /
    Storyline: hostess public security heart ( Vicki ornaments ) was originally the Yunnan border town of South Devon 's an anti-narcotics policewoman , she has a fiance Iron ( Jianbin decoration). When she hesitated to marry and not marry , inadvertently know a man full of personal charm Mao Jie (Nicholas Tse) , the two are completely unfamiliar , Jie Mao will feel at ease dragged into love . Momentary slip , hard to say An ' truth , but at least she did not resent this full of fiery passion of a man for her . But as the police , she is out of reason and discipline had to escape the pursuit of Mao Jie , not to mention she was pregnant , she decided to immediately married and Iron . After marriage, she was ordered disguised as drug traffickers to trap the other drug traffickers , the results come connector Mao Jie They meet again at this time , all the other astonished . Gross outstanding in love for her , even condemned her behavior .
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