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Science fiction Solomon Kane / Solomon Wang Kaien / 所罗门王凯恩 / 所罗门·凯恩Video Download url:
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Story about《Solomon Kane / Solomon Wang Kaien / 所罗门王凯恩 / 所罗门·凯恩》
    2009 Year Science fiction movie < Solomon Kane / Solomon Wang Kaien / 所罗门王凯恩 / 所罗门·凯恩 >
    Director:Michael J. Bassett /
    Stars:James Purefoy / Mark O'Neal / Robert Orr / Richard Ryan / Frantisek Deak / Christian Dunckley Clark / Ian Whyte / Thomas McEnchroe / Andrew Whitlaw / Robert Russell / James Babson / Marek Vasut / Geoff Bell / Max von Sydow / Lucas Stone /

    A 16th Century killing machine who finds his spirituality after an encounter with the Devil's own Reaper embarks on a mission to take down the Overload, whose human Raider are ravaging England.
    Once a mercenary of Queen Elizabeth I fighting Spaniards in Africa, Solomon met the Devil's Reaper and discovered he was bound for hell. Barely escaping, he soon renounced violence to atone for his past sin, seeking out redemption in a life of peace. That is until the follower of sorcerer Malachi kidnap a Puritan girl, Meredith Crowthorn, and brutally slaughter her family before his very eyes, forcing Solomon to take up arms and return to his violent ways once more to rescue her.

    In that era of war and witchcraft , Solomon Kane ( James Baofu James Purefoy decorated , ) lost in the endless greed and killing self , almost reduced to a puppet of the devil . Survived Solomon back to hometown in England , a monastery , the would like to live a way away from the killing life , he set foot in the direction of the priest's home . At this point, all over the killing and looting outside unaccompanied road Solomon narrow escape , fortunate to be prepared for his family moved to the Americas Crewe Thorne a rescued . Crewe Thorne, a coexistence Solomon feel the warmth and trust of the family . Early one morning, Crewe Thorne, an experienced group of evil warriors , they killed Mr. Crewe Thorne , and two sons and stole the the Mr. Crewe Thorne , daughter of Meredith Curtis ( Leiqie child Harwood Rachel Hurd, -Wood ornaments ) , Crewe Thorne before dying, pray Solomon rescued the daughter , and told he was only rescued Meredith Curtis , his soul will be in order to rescue of the Correctional Vowed never killing Solomon rescued Meredith Curtis , while Correctional Services to seek its own soul , he had to regain their swords ...

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