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Story about《Tooth and nail / 牙齿与钉子》
    2008 Year Horror movie < Tooth and nail / 牙齿与钉子 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Michael / Madsen / Vinnie / Jones / Ri /
    Storyline:In the post-apocalyptic era a group of survivors gathered in the hospital to escape the disaster , they want to re-establish a complete community, save the fate of mankind . They encounter a girl was violent attacks , and she saved the hospital . But then they found that girls are the prey of a bunch of cannibals , and now these bloodthirsty man-eating race has been attracted to the hospital . They have no choice but to do everything possible to fight on , to survive ... Mark Young Hollywood is a very interesting director . Although the name is not loud , the film is not many , but few people like him "independent " . Although his films are brand affiliated , but all of his four movies he served as director, screenwriter and clip positions . This spirit of hard work in shooting B-movie is indeed very necessary , after all, maybe it means less cents for a small cost budget book can shoot a few minutes of film , and to spill buckets of plasma and then detailed shaping the image of terror . Mark Young, from the story does not seem good at innovation , old-fashioned stereotypes in the film or can be seen everywhere . In order to become famous Li Wan alone can not do independently .
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