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Story about《Munich / 慕尼黑》
    2005 Year Horror movie < Munich / 慕尼黑 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Eric Bana / Daniel Craig / Qiao Furui Rush / Salem Sid /
    Storyline:Every four years, the term of the Olympic Games's annals, the only way to be regarded as the sporting event belongs to all mankind can truly represent the era of peace in which we human beings is much aspire to live together in this blue race on the planet, the people of each color together to a happy life status quo. However, when the ecliptic to stay when in 1972 the 20th Summer Olympic Games, this session is located in the Central European city of Munich sporting events occur to make the world of human hair refers to the scene of tragedy. Olympics 11 Israeli athletes by Palestinian gunmen massacre massacre event, the story of the film to expand the plot. Attention on Israel's act of vengeance. The film, Eric Bana as a "Mossad" man is responsible for tracking the partners from the Palestinian areas called "Black September" terrorists. Meanwhile, the Israeli side, Palestinians fired back, immediately sent the killer to deal with the Palestinians. This is shrouded in Celebration, Munich has been heavily eerie. This process, Israeli killer do not understand that they selected a target for assassination, and do not understand the hands of the black list of people come from, they have to do is to kill everyone on the list at all costs. With the development of the whole thing has become increasingly responsible for them, the killer began to doubt what they are doing is correct. At this point, the power of humanity in every one killer of hearts played a role. Side orders from their superiors, the country's needs, their mission, money trend; so that one side is smiling relatives, the same flow with the blood of the "enemy" ... choice, pain, fear, doubt ... numerous complex inner several "Mossad" is entangled with foreign aggression. However, the bloody slaughter has only just begun. Behind the scenes story: in western Asia, so two big territory, a small country but has deep the hatred. Between killing vengeance is come and go, that day since the founding of Israel begins with no intermittent too. The massacre of 1972 that the first assassination and revenge fire-burning in addition to a positive exchange of fire between the two to the highest point. The film "Munich" is a story about the brutal killings story, and cold-blooded killer career, wrapped with Steven Spielberg about the history of reflection and interpretation of human nature. Like "Schindler's List" in the early years. The thrust of the film or the nature of self-salvation. Spielberg wants to resolve the "save to save the world, save, save yourself." The doctrine has been not only the pain of the hearts of the agents is between the two groups for up to half the grievances of the century. Perhaps in the eyes of some extremists. Spielberg is just a simple screen narcissistic wish to disease or once a premeditated game going to the art of the long-grandstanding. But think about the contradiction between the current Palestinians and Israelis to ease gradually, the continuous removal of Jewish settlements, Palestinian terrorist incidents increasingly scarce ... Should not we blame the so-called men of insight, this film seems to come too late.
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