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Story about《Antoo fighter / Antoo战斗机》
    2008 Year Horror movie < Antoo fighter / Antoo战斗机 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Radhi / OAG / Awie.Harun / Salim.Bac /
    Storyline:Peace , capital of Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur an evil devil called Drakulat Van Listerooy (Awie), determined to make Kuala Lumpur the city to become the root of all evil city . Just as Kuala Lumpur because of the destruction of Drakulat Van Listerooy into when in dire straits , then one has the magic power of the the girl Delyle order to protect the city to come forward , but Drakulat Van Listerooy this cunning demon forces too powerful Delyla had to look around he has a companion of the same forces with him against the Drakulat Van Listerooy, finally found four of extraordinary strength , like her companions , they form a combat team is named Antoo fighter, fighter , bound with a higher Drakulat Van Listerooy to protect their city to their homes . Seventh Malaysian Oscars " Antoo - fighter 's winning 3 Awards , including Best Visual Effects , Best 3D animations and the best props Award .
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