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Story about《Temple haunted remember / 祖庙闹鬼记》
    2007 Year Horror movie < Temple haunted remember / 祖庙闹鬼记 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Ake Dr Kumar / Vidya / Balan / A Misuo · Patai La /
    Storyline:The film is a very interesting horror comedy, firmly grasp the audience at the same time , strange and mysterious events in the film also tempt the appetite of the audience . The background of the story is a conservative and superstitious village believe in Brahmanism Ma Nuoji guarded Temple , although everyone says that the Temple has been haunted . One day, Ma Nuoji settled in the United States nephew the ahu plus and Zhixi , Wei Diya back to the small village , and to live in the Temple for a little while . Wei Diya inadvertently open a locked room , then , strange things begin to happen . Temple really haunted . The Ma Nuoji Please some charlatans exorcism fell monsters can not see what effect . People began to complain . Fortunately, Wei Diya 's a psychiatry expert help , they find the murderer and opened a puzzle . Film comedy and thriller elements of fusion as a very good work , the director from a different angle to look at a spiritual level beyond our imagination hidden in the human heart is a rare horror comedy film .
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