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Story about《Huh Joon / 许浚》
    2011 Year Japan and Korean TV < Huh Joon / 许浚 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Full Guanglie / Huang Xiuzhen / Shun-Cai /
    Storyline:In medical knowledge , the whole Guanglie from the 20-year-old dandy of the unconventional and uninhibited , fate insight into the extremely marvelous medicine strenuously studied medicine , during which suppressed after many setbacks , in support of the mother, wife and good friends , teachers and friends . medicine often sophisticated numerous to save people , save the world of spirit , although it was later to become the victim of a complex political situation was exiled , but calmly wrote the lifetime of the " Donguibogam become Han Guohan medical classic , immortalized . Outbreak of a pandemic , because South Korea , the whole country group practice policy the emperor Jizhao his palace of research, and finally succeeded in developing disease-resistant prescription to control the epidemic , because of fatigue and excessive , do not police themselves have contracted the disease , desperate and not enough time to impose , he died of his wife, the arms , the whole nation mourn distraught ... full Guanglie performances are compelling , deeply rooted
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