Index » Action movie » Now Playing Action movie Shang Geyun Dayton / 尚格云顿
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Story about《Shang Geyun Dayton / 尚格云顿》
    2008 Year Action movie < Shang Geyun Dayton / 尚格云顿 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Yet Doug Vinten / John / Flanders /
    Storyline:JCVD is still grid Vinten name JEAN-CLAUDE VAN DAMME initials . The film is still grid Vinten a semi-autobiographical film , in the film that he had been the star of action films and large open his own joke . Belgian hometown , he returned from the United States looking for a quiet life in the United States does not , but faced with tax issues , and his wife fighting for custody of his son's lawsuit , action movie bad times , but also involved in a bank robbery. ......
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