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Horror Ils / Them / 恐怖系统 / 他们Video Download url:
恐怖系统1280高清中英双字版$ftp://1013:[email protected]:788/电影/2009/10/13/[迅播影院www.XunBo.Cc]恐怖系统1280高清中英双字版.rmvb
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Story about《Ils / Them / 恐怖系统 / 他们》
    2006 Year Horror movie < Ils / Them / 恐怖系统 / 他们 >
    Director:David Moreau / Xavier Palud /
    Stars:Olivia Bonamy / Michaël Cohen / Adriana Mocca / Maria Roman / Camelia Maxim / Alexandru Boghiu / Emanuel Stefanuc / Horia Ioan / Stefan Cornic / George Iulian /

    Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise... they're not alone... and a group of hooded assailants begin to terrorize them throughout the night.
    Clémentine, a teacher in a French School in Bucharest, lives with her husband, Lucas, in a remote real estate in Snagow. During the night, Clémentine is woken by weird noises outside their house, and Lucas sees their car being stolen. The lights are turned off, the phones are disconnected and they see that they are no longer alone. When weird lights appear outside, they hide in the cellar and try to ask for help from what could be a dreadful night of pure terror.

    In Romania, a sparsely populated village on the road police found two bodies and a scrap car . But a heavy rain destroyed all evidence of the crime of the prisoners . And young novelists Lucas and his wife , university professor Clemens Ting lived inside a small villa in the mountain village on the road . Day after dinner , Clementine received a strange phone Tingtongli came the strange voice of the unspeakable . She did not mind, thought it was a prank . Middle of the night , Clementine was awakened by strange sounds , she and her husband Lucas together downstairs to see what had happened .

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