Index » HongKong and Taiwan TV » Now Playing HongKong and Taiwan TV Yiu dance Chang'an / House of Harmony and Vengeance / 耀舞长安
HongKong Taiwan Yiu dance Chang'an / House of Harmony and Vengeance / 耀舞长安Video Download url:
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Story about《Yiu dance Chang'an / House of Harmony and Vengeance / 耀舞长安》
    2012 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < Yiu dance Chang'an / House of Harmony and Vengeance / 耀舞长安 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Bobby Au-Yeung / Myolie Wu / Linda Chung / Evergreen Mak / Angela Tong / Yoyo Chen / Jia Xiaochen / Liang Liewei / Jess Shum / Marseille /
    Storyline:Gao Ren is a genius song home, ready to Long An Yongli Park office all know . The Qiao Bulong this is a wandering people, and kill the evil official to flee seven case of high benevolence , find high benevolence do scapegoat , and steal the identity of the high kernel and became known adults . Unexpectedly , the miracle of high benevolence is not dead , but lost memory , living in Changan . Step Long re-encountering benevolence, Gao Ren amazing composer potential , close embrace in Wing Lai Yuen , help has to make contributions , they create sympathetic brotherhood . Gao Ren has a fiancee Yu Yan , step Long conscience marriage retreat , prompting Yu Yan step dragon hate into love; Gao Ren inexplicable soft spot for her , fall into unrequited love . On the other hand , Yu Yan love with the sister in the mountains to join the Wing Lai Yuen to learn to dance excellent step dragon by the enemy to become a favorite choice ... Finally, the two men and the identity of grievances , and two women, emotional entanglements , four life and death, should be through the case of the courtesan a thorough campaign to break ... the protagonist through the Wing Lai Yuen complains Yan dance Zhengyan Korea stage , each seeking their own identity, values ​​and goals , resulting in conflicts , know each other phase love story woven into paragraphs legendary .
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