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Story about《Knights Templar : the end of the road country / 圣殿骑士2:路尽头的国度》
    2008 Year War movie < Knights Templar : the end of the road country / 圣殿骑士2:路尽头的国度 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Stellan Skarsgård / Bibby Anderson / Michael Engqvist /
    Storyline:The Kingdom of the end of the road the third book of the series in January, Lu Knights Templar ( Crusades Trilogy ) . This book follows the fictional nature of the acute retinal necrosis Magnuson him to return to Sweden after 20 years as a Temple Knight . This book grew up in the beginning of the acute retinal necrosis home monastery , he and his the dough reuiniting of . Acute retinal necrosis, experienced knights, big plans , Sweden . An excellent and focused fighting force , in order to create a stable peace in the three countries will one day be known as the Swedish . He also forced to repell the two aggressors, Denmark supported the dynasty the throne , Sverker Karlsson . This book covers the life of the last part of the acute retinal necrosis and nuclear Supervision Bureau , is in fact the founding fathers of modern Sweden .
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