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Story about《Tactical Unit : Comrades in Arms / 机动部队:同袍》
    2009 Year Story movie < Tactical Unit : Comrades in Arms / 机动部队:同袍 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Maggie / / Simon Yam Lam Suet / Shi Zu male / the Pang / INDUSTRY AND / Nguyen China security / Lin Jinggang /
    Storyline:Tactical Unit set up more than a year will be dissolved , but why the last day of sudden a very difficult task : search sneaked into the mountains of desperate robbers . Senge (Simon Yam plays ) and sister May ( Maggie played) the two teams led by police officers because of long-term reward and punishment for unfair contradiction sharp , the last day of ultimate task vied strive performance to claim the credit . Mountains search people , teams police officers more infighting led to all sorts of problems . Action in addition to the cops and robbers both sides of the melee blaze of unknown origin of the third-party fatal injury to the Force . Isolated case , the face of difficulties and the threat of death , they will be how to put aside their prejudices and work together to complete the task ?
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