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Story about《Dragon hegemony / 龙之争霸》
    1989 Year Story movie < Dragon hegemony / 龙之争霸 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Frankie Chan / Simon Yam / Oshima Ghali / Ke Chun-hsiung / Kara Hui /
    Storyline: plot : to help leading Gehong boss with his family in the restaurant dinner , to announced his retirement and all business to the youngest son of Granville , after dinner everyone was assaulted outside the restaurant , following the flood boss for many years , Chou Zhenxiong the boss pulled down on the ground to avoid the stray bullet , but secretly the boss head vigorously and crashed into the stairs to his injuries died. Male to win over to the eldest the eldest son of China , to help him eradicate Wei boarded the bit of lead in Viagra mother foregone opportunities, and sent the killer to deal with male a male eldest son and eldest daughter was behind the atrocities , the second son of the male call Chi Hyo back to Hong Kong . Filial piety with the same bunch of friends from the Netherlands back to Hong Kong had destroyed the enemy, the capture of the Chinese , not only for the male , let Granville hands to get rid of the younger brother , filial piety to complete the task , ready to leave Hong Kong with her friends , but found that the male in order to silence , the secret to kill them out , filial piety is very angry and stuck crazy to kill Wei and the body hidden under the table , seeing the male was furious , filial piety gunshot wounds , and finally a nervous breakdown , filial piety , where he died ...
    < - The end of the film introduces code ->
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