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Story about《Metal Fight Beyblade The Movie / メタルファイト ベイブレードVS太陽 / 战斗陀螺钢铁奇兵》
    2012 Year cartoon movie < Metal Fight Beyblade The Movie / メタルファイト ベイブレードVS太陽 / 战斗陀螺钢铁奇兵 >
    Director: /
    Stars: /
    Storyline:" Fighting top" series was originally developed since 1999 by the well-known toy company TAKARA , has repeatedly made ​​into TV animation , comic books, animated films and a variety of platforms the game works . Defeat the protagonist of " black silver ZERO fighting gyro the Steel the Jones ZEROG " story , have not played in order to test their strength, came to the town where his worship steel Galaxy , but have not yet met the Milky Way , on first encounter after another powerful enemy .... STORY Galaxy because the worship of steel , and dreams of becoming the protagonist of the strongest gyro soldiers "black silver ZERO " in the local unbeatable gyro soldiers . In order to test their strength , black and silver came to the Galaxy and others where the town , but did not meet the Galaxy , on a group with deep strength gyro soldiers . The two sides started fighting immediately , but not familiar with the home does not have the black and silver because of the ZERO the G site into a bitter struggle ... However , relying on their own extraordinary courage and talent , or fathom the Raiders France win the game . After another block in front of the black and silver gyro soldiers in the end ...? !
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