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Story about《Torpedo attack / 鱼雷出击》
    1983 Year War movie < Torpedo attack / 鱼雷出击 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Rodion / Nakhapetov / Aleksei / Zharkov /
    story to tell : the former Soviet Union Patriotic War Movies . About the 1944 World War II was in full swing , the Soviet-German confrontation between the Soviet pilot group of flesh and blood , in their own families they play the same role of the wife , father and children , but to the battlefield , they have become the brave hero of flame . In the Arctic Ocean , they braved enemy fierce flak , with the submarine frigate of the German invaders only launched a deadly flame , some after being hit by enemy aircraft , the pilot selfless even machine band together and crashed into the enemy ship , and the scene is very tragic , but the spirit of heroic . These brave pilots of the Soviet Union is of their own lives , to defend the dignity of the motherland , and write a history of a hero .
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