Index » HongKong and Taiwan TV » Now Playing HongKong and Taiwan TV PASTA smile / smile Blockbuster / 微笑PASTA/微笑百事达
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Story about《PASTA smile / smile Blockbuster / 微笑PASTA/微笑百事达》
    2006 Year HongKong and Taiwan TV < PASTA smile / smile Blockbuster / 微笑PASTA/微笑百事达 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Cyndi Wang / Benson Zhang / Joyce Zhao / GINO /

    Sanli will be eight pole could not beat the young men and women , because of street an unexpected shock, be careful not to dislodge the sky scandal , but also knocked for some interesting romantic Love , two parallel lives , from entwined , and started a romance without any life's journey ... into the dawn poetry, smile Pasta baby daughter , is a forthright and innocent ordinary young girl , a little reckless , the little Hansha , always with a smile to the face of life , Xiao Shi 's favorite person is the same school aci seniors , although the aci never do not like Xiao Shi , even under the "love is never less than three months " Xiao Shi curse , Xiao Shi unrelenting , he believed that one day the aci seniors will see his heart , like love faith on him , until he meets he Qun beginning of that day , Xiao Shi has to believe and adhere to the changes. He Qun , the heartthrob singer , is also a current Speaker Mengchang $ son , because young people in music with his brother and his girlfriend Rita and childhood Xiaorou have common ideals , and put into the field of music , despite the traditional and conservative father against , the brothers still persistent in their own dreams and passion for music has been moving forward , this revolutionary spirit , however , because 17 years old, an accident , this dream can no longer achieve , because , He Qun errors of judgment , they lose Xiaorou , aci my brother and group from brothers break is no longer between . He Qun later chance encounter to enter the entertainment circle , into today's pop music heartthrob , but he is not happy, because , from their original dream is still some distance , what group I have never given up along with his brother to complete the wish of the dream ...

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