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Story about《The Thirty-Seven / 37 / 三十七》
    0 Year Documentary movie < The Thirty-Seven / 37 / 三十七 >
    Director: /
    Stars:Lin Miaoke / / / Charlie / / / Liu /
    Storyline:Movie colorful the Hulunbeier choir " description of the modern city rich a mother and daughter came to the prairie, met Mongolian grandmother , so changes the entire outlook on life story .
    Still in the ( Charlie ornaments ), a foreign manager . Convinced that a prosperous economy is the only way to happiness toward . First marriage failed , but accustomed to powerful for the content , she rarely revealed tenderness in front of others . Faced with the financial tsunami , she was assigned to Hulunbeier, in order to examine the name of , unscrupulous , but also to find a valid reason to cancel the less commercial value of cultural projects . In this barren Land , the character of her carping to make her miserable , but the daughter Ding Yuze ( Lin Miaoke ornaments ) back from the children who own and found her paradise , red mother ( Liu decorated ) and Mongolia grandmother feelings . The mother gradually find their own do not know her daughter turned out to be heard Ozawa 's voice . In the song , I heard the distinct Another Ozawa 's image : the brave , spirited, happy, self-confidence . , Ozawa to save the lamb lost, wind and rain, she was hiding in the rock . Red her mother returned to find Ozawa . Each other duet singing , red mother finally found drenched Ozawa .
    Still see red mother-in-law hugged fever door Ozawa softly singing to impress the red mother and simplicity of children singing , music, see the front of the path in life , and their shortcomings , and retrieve their own so long that the true and happy ...
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